Red Bull Wave Party event

To see more photos from © Zak Noyle and a video of the event go to:

SURF: Queens of Queens win Red Bull Wave Party event

Red Bull Wave Party con­test of­fers up a touch of Mardi Gras in Waikiki

  • By Gor­don Y.K. Pang gor­don­pang@starad­ver­
The “Gil­li­gan’s Is­land”-in­spired team from Tiki’s Grill and Bar tries to catch a wave. Mariah White was Mary Ann, Amanda Nizza was Lovey How­ell, Lind­sey Wong was Ginger, Kevin Prior played the part of Gil­li­gan and Rick Perez was the Skip­per for the Red Bull Party Wave event.

Honolulu Star-Ad­ver­tiser in­ter­view while still in Hulk Ho­gan char­ac­ter. “We’re all chil­dren of the ’80s, and we love our­selves some WWF! And we came up with Gnarl Ma­nia!”

The same crew called them­selves the Gnarly No­mads last year and won the in­au­gu­ral con­test with its “Ore­gon Trail” en­try, net­ting its six mem­bers a free trip to Las Ve­gas.

Hun­singer said he didn’t even know what the top prize was this year.

Hun­singer said he didn’t even know what the top prize was this year.

“We don’t think about the prize; we just fight for glo­reeee,” he growled, still in Hulk mode.

Gnarl Ma­nia wasn’t the only team to not be able to surf a wave with its ves­sel.

Also fail­ing to score points in the wave cat­e­gory was Shark Bait, a crew of Tiki Grill and Bar em­ploy­ees who dressed them­selves up as the seven-mem­ber crew from the old TV show “Gil­li­gan’s Is­land.”

Also fail­ing to score points in the wave cat­e­gory was Shark Bait, a crew of Tiki Grill and Bar em­ploy­ees who dressed them­selves up as the seven-mem­ber crew from the old TV show “Gil­li­gan’s Is­land.”

Barista/mer­chan­diser Mariah White, also known as Mary Ann, said the Gil­li­gan theme seemed like it would be a good fit.

Barista/mer­chan­diser Mariah White, also known as Mary Ann, said the Gil­li­gan theme seemed like it would be a good fit.

“They left from Honolulu for a three-hour tour,” she said. “I just thought it would be a good con­cept.”

Bar­tenders Kevin Prior and Rick Perez, also known as Gil­li­gan and Skip­per, re­spec­tively, de­signed the raft­like ves­sel.

Alas, at the end of the day, nei­ther Gnarl Ma­nia or Shark Bait won.

The cham­pi­onship went to Queens of Queens, com­prised of vol­un­teers from the non­profit Sus­tain­able Coast­lines Hawaii, which fo­cuses on re­duc­ing waste and is best known for its week­end beach cleanup ef­forts.

While the or­ga­ni­za­tion has a se­ri­ous mes­sage, Sun­day was about pay­ing homage to the col­or­ful his­tory of Queen’s Surf and “try­ing to catch the best waves that we could,” said Kahi Pacarro, leader of the cross­dress­ing crew and Sus­tain­able Coast­lines ex­ec­u­tive di­rec­tor.

Team mem­ber Roscoe “The Wizard” Fowler, a con­struc­tion worker by day, picked up scrap wood from con­struc­tion sites and pieced them to­gether with sin­gle-use plas­tic wa­ter bot­tles “for buoy­ancy” to come up with this year’s win­ning wa­ter­craft, Pacarro said.

Team mem­ber Roscoe “The Wizard” Fowler, a con­struc­tion worker by day, picked up scrap wood from con­struc­tion sites and pieced them to­gether with sin­gle-use plas­tic wa­ter bot­tles “for buoy­ancy” to come up with this year’s win­ning wa­ter­craft, Pacarro said.

The top prize this year is the op­por­tu­nity to sky­dive with the renowned, squir­rel-suited Red Bull sky­div­ing team. While most of the Queens of Queens team is look­ing for­ward to it, “two of the guys are scared out of their minds.”

The big­ger win­ners, how­ever, may have been the Red Bull folks whose hash­tag #RBPar­tyWave be­came the fifth most tweeted topic in Hawaii early Sun­day af­ter­noon as de­ter­mined by the na­tional sur­vey­ing group Trend­ing Topics USA.

    DATE15 July 2015AUTHORAlex Herrmann

    On a normal day, the shores of Waikiki are serene. Vacationers fill the white sand beaches to kick back, relax and — if they're feeling really adventurous — maybe even boogie board. 

    All of that changes when Red Bull Party Wave hits the beach. Sunbathers are replaced by pirates, wrestlers and men in bikinis, all ready to surf the legendary Queens break in style.