Video Invite for Skyy out-side Bartender Challenge April 29th 2009 7pm at Tiki's Grill & Bar

Call it research. Inspiration: Brand-new Skyy Infusions pineapple vodka

Checkout the review from our friends at

Review: Skyy Infusions Pineapple Vodka

Who doesn’t like pineapple? Commies, that’s who.

Strange then to put pineapples and vodka together, but hey, who are we to judge. Pineapple is a natural for many cocktails — but carving up a fresh pineapple is a royal pain in the butt. Enter pineapple-infused vodka, which Skyy says it developed as an alternative to heavier rums for use in tiki drinks and the like.

Sounds good to me, but how does it taste?

Pretty good, to be frank.