An Unforgettable Pile-Up Adventure with My ICOM IC-7300: 52 Contacts, 18 Countries, and One Very Hungry Wife

ALOHA fellow ham radio enthusiasts! Gather 'round, and let me regale you with the tale of my most thrilling (and somewhat hilarious) experience using my ICOM IC-7300 transceiver. With only 100 watts max power and a G5RV jr wire antenna that's seen better days, I managed to make a mind-boggling 52 contacts on 20 meters, parking on 14.268 MHz. The pile-up was massive, chaotic, and incredibly fun – it was like the Black Friday of ham radio!

Working a pile-up like this can really train your ears to pick up call signs amidst the cacophony. It was like playing "Where's Waldo?" with my ears. And I must say, I've become quite the auditory detective.    

My time was limited, as I had only an hour and a half before I needed to have dinner with my wife. As the clock ticked, I could practically hear her stomach growling . But in that short window, I managed to have voice conversations (QSOs) and exchange signal reports with 52 people across 18 different countries or DXCC entities. Many of our signal reports were a true 59, which, as you know, is really good – or as I like to say, the ham radio equivalent of a high-five!

Sad to say I left at least 25 people hanging when I said I was signing off to have dinner with my XYL (WIFE)  ALOHA and 73 KH6ML

Here's a list of the countries and their prefixes that I managed to make contact with during my adventure:

As dinner time approached, I signed off with a mixture of pride and the realization that my wife was probably plotting to hide my radio gear if I didn't get to diner soon. I quickly wrapped up and rushed to dinner, grateful for my ICOM IC-7300 and the trusty G5RV jr wire antenna for making this amazing (and amusing) pile-up adventure possible.

If you've been considering upgrading your ham radio setup, I highly recommend giving this combo a try. Who knows? You'll be the next one to share your own pile-up escapades, and we can swap stories over a virtual cup of coffee.

Until next time, 73, happy DXing, and remember to keep your spouses fed!