Bartending Challenge for Skyy Infusions Pineapple Vodka

Here are some of the photos from the Bartending Challenge for Skyy Infusions Pineapple Vodka held at Tiki's Grill & Bar and Indigo's.

Photos by: Christopher Teves -Publisher-Editor -Hawaii Beverage Guide

Some of the most popular spring and summer time drink specialties can be created with delicious Skyy Infusions Pineapple as a key ingredient.

Skyy Vodka possesses a sterling reputation as one of the most popular suppliers of vodka in the country. They have come out with a new Skyy Infusions Pineapple flavor that is the first Pineapple vodka to be infused with real fruit in the entire nation. Skilled drink makers and thousands of bartenders from all over the country have already begun implementing Skyy Vodka’s creations of various nighttime beverages.

Skyy Infusions Pineapple Vodka is so flavorful and smooth that you can even pour a small glass on the rocks and enjoy a delicious beverage with no mixer.

Many people prefer to mix Skyy Infusions Pineapple Vodka with lemon-lime soda, various energy drinks or a wide variety of other beverages depending on personal preference. Whether you prefer to consume Skyy Vodka’s Pineapple Tiki Kit on the rocks, mixed with another beverage or as part of a complex seasonal cocktail, you will be enjoying the phenomenal natural flavor of Skyy brand vodka.  -- Staff