Brian wins the Gold Medal in Tiki's First Olympic Gold Competition! -Please imagine the National Anthem playing in the background.

The competition was tough with our three leaders coming in for both lunch and dinner yesterday. The competition was not without controversy. Tiki's Server Trainer said on Saturday that she didn't know that ribs totals were "cumulative" even though it was stated on all promotional material and announcements to staff! There was also a dispute on rib plates taken to "the cheerleaders" table, and a flag for improper eating techniques at the leader's table. Judges were called to review tapes and then had to consult counsel and higher authorities, but when it was all said and done - 4 ribs separated the winner from his closest competitor.

Olympic Rib Contest Final Results:
Gold Medal - 146 Ribs - Brian Frulands
Silver Medal - 142 Ribs - Alex DeAngelis
Bronze Medal - 141 Ribs - David Gilles

Brian has earned a trip for two to Las Vegas including airfare and hotel! Because all three men were so valiant and respectful during the competition, we've decided to offer all contestants who ate more than 100 ribs, a Tiki's Gift Card equal in dollars to the amount of ribs they ate!

Tiki's would also like to thank all of the contestants who participated and all of their who were their to cheer them on. We had a great time and are looking for ways to do it again soon.

Because the ribs are so popular, we're considering doing an all you can eat special every week...stay tuned!