Just attended: THE NEW STANDARD OF RESTAURANT SERVICE: "Back To The Basics."

Today, competition in the restaurant and foodservice industry is driven by consumers who want to spend less while being more selective about the quality of service and product they purchase. So, how do you stay competitive, especially in the current economy, when the "human touch" service model, refined in the 1990's and early years of this decade, is now perceived as mere "packaged" mechanical action? Learn to get back to basics and establish a Golden Rule Service Environment to regain the trust of your customers and your staff. This is the pathway to achieving renewed success.

Special Guest Speaker:
Jerald W. Chesser, Ed.D., CEC, FMP, CCE, AAC.

Dr. Chesser is an internationally recognized speaker, author and educator and currently a Professor at the Collins College of Hospitality Management, California State Polytechnic University - one of the country's top hospitality management programs. His publications include The World of Culinary Supervision, Training, and Management, 4th edition and The Art and Science of Culinary Preparation. He has been the successful owner of a restaurant and off-premise catering company and has been a consultant to the Disney Development Co., the Copeland of New Orleans and the University of Alaska. Dr. Chesser has received numerous honors including the ICHRIE Herman Briethaupt and ACF Western Region Chef Educator of the Year awards, membership in the American Academy of Chefs, certification by the National Restaurant Association as a Food Management Professional and the American Culinary Federation as an Executive Chef and Culinary Educator.