SIGN UP for Makani ‘Ino Hurricane Drill July 16, 2022
The drill was a ham radio statewide communication exercise, utilizing voice communications and Winlink radio email to pass messages from individuals to a hub and then to a county emergency operations center. Registered participants received their Exercise Plans via email.
The drill took place on Saturday, July 16, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and was open to all licensed amateur radio operators, regardless of affiliation with ARES, RACES, SKYWARN, CERT, HEALTHCOMM, or any club. Voice traffic was encouraged as not all participants had Winlink capabilities.
The drill was held in the state of Hawaii and aimed to prepare and practice using amateur radio to send messages during a catastrophic hurricane when normal communications have failed.
The drill involved the use of voice and/or digital mode, Winlink, to pass Winlink Hurricane Reports, Check Ins, Check Outs, Field Situation Reports, Damage Reports, Request for Assistance, and Shelter Reports.
What: Ham RADIO - statewide communication exercise. Voice communications as well as Winlink Radio email will be utilized to pass messages from the individuals to a hub who will pass it on to a county emergency operations center. Participant Exercise Plans will be emailed to registered participants.
When: Saturday, July 16, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon
Who: All licensed amateur radio operators are invited - unaffiliated or with ARES, RACES, SKYWARN, CERT, HEALTHCOMM, or any club. We will encourage voice traffic as not all have Winlink capabilities.
Where: State of Hawaii.
Why: To prepare and practice using amateur radio to send messages during a catastrophic hurricane when normal communications have failed.
How: Use of voice and/or digital mode, Winlink, to pass Winlink Hurricane Reports, Check Ins, Check Outs, Field Situation Report, Damage Reports, Request for Assistance, Shelter Reports