Amateur radio operators have a unique opportunity to connect with people from all over the world. The South America 10m contest is just one example of the exciting events that bring amateur radio enthusiasts together.
Last year, I was lucky enough to participate in the 2022 contest and was honored to receive the Hawaiian Islands #1 rank and #1 in OC and a World Rank of #202.
OC in Ham Radio refers to the "Oceania" continent, which includes countries in the Pacific region such as Australia, New Zealand, and various island nations. In the context of Ham Radio contests, OC is used as a shorthand to designate the geographical location of amateur radio operators. This designation is used to keep track of the number of contacts made with different regions around the world, and to foster friendly competition among Ham Radio operators.
The South America 10m contest is a great way for amateur radio operators to improve their operational abilities and to connect with others who share their passion for the hobby. The contest organizers,, put a lot of effort into creating a fun and enjoyable event for participants. I was thrilled to be a part of this contest and I look forward to participating in future events.
Operating from Molokai during a DX Holiday was an amazing experience. I used an IC-7300 and mainly a Rob KH6RX vertical push-up mast to beam my antenna towards South America. The 28MHz propagation conditions were excellent and the enthusiasm of the participants made it a truly enjoyable contest.
I want to extend my gratitude to the South America 10m contest organizers for creating such a fun and exciting event. I also want to thank the amateur radio community for their support and encouragement. It is through events like this that we can continue to share our passion for this amazing hobby and inspire others to get involved.
Receiving the Hawaiian Islands #1 rank and a World Rank of #202 is a humbling experience and I am honored to have received such recognition. I hope that my participation in this contest will inspire others to get involved in the amateur radio community and to continue to share the passion for this amazing hobby.
In conclusion, the South America 10m contest is a great way for amateur radio enthusiasts to connect with others who share their passion for the hobby. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate and I look forward to future contests. Let’s continue to share our passion for amateur radio and inspire others to get involved.
Contest are just one of many ways that the Ham Radio community comes together to celebrate this amazing hobby and to connect with others from around the world.
QSO: 28446 SS 2022-03-13 0009 KH6ML 59 31 PU4MDO 59 11
QSO: 28483 SS 2022-03-13 0018 KH6ML 59 31 CD2JUW 59 12
QSO: 28455 SS 2022-03-13 0021 KH6ML 59 31 LU9HVR 59 13
QSO: 28480 SS 2022-03-13 0025 KH6ML 59 31 LU4DJB 59 15
QSO: 28320 SS 2022-03-13 0036 KH6ML 59 31 XE1CKJ 59 6
QSO: 28498 SS 2022-03-13 0045 KH6ML 59 31 LW8DLF 59 13
QSO: 28492 SS 2022-03-13 0048 KH6ML 59 31 LT9H 59 13
QSO: 28485 SS 2022-03-13 0054 KH6ML 59 31 LU4JEA 59 13
QSO: 28478 SS 2022-03-13 0056 KH6ML 59 31 PY3LX 59 11
QSO: 28447 SS 2022-03-13 0116 KH6ML 59 31 LU1JHF 59 13
QSO: 28505 SS 2022-03-13 0123 KH6ML 59 31 CE6CGX 59 12