The Alaska-Pacific Emergency Preparedness Net is one of the oldest emergency traffic handling nets on amateur radio.
The net meets on 14.292 MHz in the 20 meter Ham band, Monday-Friday at 0830 Alaska Time. If you need a time calculator here is a link.
Net control monitors 14.282 beginning at 15 minutes after hour for early check in.
This is a roll call net. If you cannot hear net control, it will be appreciated if you wait until sweeps are made and do not call in the blind. Only break in if you have a contact or an emergency We will pick up late, missed and visitor check-ins after roll call is complete. Please keep this frequency clear until the net on 14.290 has closed; this includes tuning up and looking for early check ins. NCS monitors 14.282 beginning at 15 minutes after hour for early check ins,and will switch to 14.292 at half past hour of the roll call.

Fortunately, there have been no major disasters in Alaska in recent years, but when the need arises again, the Alaska-Pacific Emergency Preparedness Net will be there.
The "A-P Net" originated as a result of the Good Friday Earthquake that struck Alaska in 1964. During that disaster government and private communication systems failed, and Ham radio operators provided vital links to the rest of the world. After the earthquake, the 14.292 frequency became known as “the place” for Alaska and Lower 49 hams to meet and pass traffic.