Weekly we host a event called Taco Tiki Tuesday. The Honolulu Pulse teamed up with us to host a Special Pulse Edtion of Taco Tuesday on March 22, 2011. Prizes were given out throughout the night and patrons enjoyed $2 Tacos and $3 Pulse drink specials.
The Pulse is The Honolulu Star-Advertiser online component for the leading entertainment source for Hawaii events. If your not checking out the Honolulu Pulse you might be misssing some great events in Hawaii. Photo Galleries | Events | Music | Food & Drink | Bars & Clubs | Movies & TV | Stage | TGIF in Print

UnNatural features members of Natural Vibrations performing all the Natural Vibe classics. We have Live Music 7 days a week check out monthly band calender. PHOTO BY JAMM AQUINO / jaquino@staradvertiser.com

Prize were given away from Kona Longboard, Consolidated Theatre, Local Motion, Rainbowtique.
PHOTO BY CINDY ELLEN RUSSELL / crussell@staradvertiser.com
music added to the enery and fun of the night.
PHOTO BY JAMM AQUINO / jaquino@staradvertiser.com
You can follow us on Twitter at @tikisgrill and become a facebook friend.
PHOTO BY JAMM AQUINO / jaquino@staradvertiser.com
PHOTO BY JAMM AQUINO / jaquino@staradvertiser.com
PHOTO BY CINDY ELLEN RUSSELL / crussell@staradvertiser.com
To see more photos go to http://www.honolulupulse.com/bars-clubs/pics-pulse-party-tikis?pid=14685#puls...

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