"Customer service, teamwork and collaboration, strong communication, and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment are all skills that I developed while working at Tiki's that I can apply to my nursing career," Gigi said. "Tiki's is such a busy and sought-after restaurant, and we're always on our toes 24/7. This has taught me how to use my prioritization skills, sense of urgency, and how to provide excellent customer service."
Gigi went on to explain that these skills will be crucial in her nursing career, as she will need to provide excellent patient care. She believes that working at Tiki's has provided her with a strong foundation for her nursing career.
In conclusion, Gigi believes that working in the hospitality industry, and Tiki's in particular, has a lot of similarities with the nursing profession. She believes that the skills she developed while working at Tiki's will be crucial in her nursing career and that it has provided her with a strong foundation for her nursing career.
#TikisOhana, #TikisAlumni, #GigiRN, #ICUatUCLA, #HospitalityIndustry, #tikisgrill, #TikisGrillandBar, #NursingCareer, #CustomerService, #Teamwork, #Collaboration, #Communication, #FastPacedEnvironment, #Prioritization, #Urgency, #PatientCare, #FoundationforNursing.