WH6FXL MAKES THE NEWS in Great Britain

Radio Society of Great Britain

Propagation News – 26 July 2020

| July 24, 2020

We had quite a quiet week with the Sun with zero sunspots and a settled geomagnetic field. The solar wind speed was slow, between 280 and 330km per second, and its magnetic field was weak, with no significant negative deflections in its important north-south Bz direction. Therefore, the resultant geomagnetic activity was settled.

On the 21st a sunspot appeared around the Sun’s limb. Now classified as sunspot group 2767, on Thursday it contained one sunspot, but its simple uni-polar magnetic signature suggests it is non-threatening.

We do expect the Kp index to rise on Friday, the 24th, due to the arrival of a coronal hole high speed stream. Modest magnetic enhancement is also forecast for 25 July with the possible arrival of a slow CME from the 19th.

Expect a possible pre-aurora enhancement followed by the potential for suppressed maximum usable frequencies over the weekend and into early next week.

HF conditions have been generally lacklustre, but Laurie, G3UML reports that WH6FXL and WA6QDQ/KH6, both in Hawaii, were both quite readable signals on 20m SSB at 0800 on Wednesday. Tom, GM4FDM reports working two JAs on 17m using his newly-erected dipole. The 10m UK Net group on Facebook also reported an FT8 opening to Japan on Monday as well.

This just goes to show that you shouldn’t just write off the summer as being no good for DX.

Next week NOAA predicts the solar flux index will remain in the high 60s with the Kp index between two and three. This generally suggests that HF conditions will remain similar to last week. Expect sporadic E openings on 10 metres to continue, although not at the rate that we had earlier in the month.

VHF and up

A series of low-pressure systems passing close by northern Scotland and various fronts crossing the country mean that there are likely to be few opportunities for tropo this week. High pressure is displaced to the south over France so any tropo will be mostly likely from southern England into the continent or across Biscay to Spain. That brings rain scatter on the GHz bands onto the agenda for many regions of the UK at some time or other during the coming week.

Sporadic E still warrants a mention, but it is becoming more elusive as we move towards August. It’s not a ‘no chance’, but it will need some strategy for being in the right place at the right time. The best options will be to monitor 10m or 6m mid-morning and again late afternoon or early evening. Paths on FT8 will prove good indicators of which direction might deliver as the Es develops.

With the Moon declination negative and falling further as the week progresses, Moon visibility windows will shorten and peak elevation will be just 32 degrees this Sunday and falling, leading up to minimum declination a week from Sunday.

Perigee will be Saturday, 1 August, so path losses are now increasing. 144MHz sky noise peaks at 2,500 Kelvin on Friday, so low noise preamps won’t help you that day.

The Southern Delta Aquarids meteor shower has a broad peak from the 26th to the 31st with a Zenithal Hourly Rate of 25, so look for enhanced meteor scatter activity in the coming week. In Europe, the shower radiant is above the horizon at night or in the early mornings.

Category: GB2RS Propagation News

WH6FXL - Results EARCHI.org END FED 6–40 Meter Multiband HF Antenna FT-8, Winlink, SSB

WH6FXL - Results  EARCHI.org END FED 6–40 Meter Multiband HF Antenna FT-8, Winlink, SSB
25 foot pole with 66'8" of #14 wire sloping in the air
Counterpoise  66'8 of #14 wire on the ground

25' of Coax to a AT-100ProII LDG auto tuner and into a ICOM 7300 running around 100watt. No Amp.

""Trifilar wound, 9:1 UNUN (unbalance to unbalance) toroid matching transformer that will match the high input impedance of an end fed antenna into the range where most antenna tuners can produce good performance. The matchbox handles 100 watts of power. This project requires an antenna tuner to achieve satisfactory SWR. If you need an auto tuner, we recommend the LDG line of auto tuners, shown to work well with these matchbox antennas, and highly rated by users. http://www.earchi.org/92011endfedfiles/Endfed6_40.pdf

ORDERING A MATCHBOX ANTENNA FROM EARC.- http://www.earchi.org/proj_homebrew.html
Volunteers of the Honolulu Emergency Amateur Radio Club (EARC) carefully assemble the 6-40 End Fed matchbox antennas for those who prefer not to build one. For a donation of $56 (Including USPS priority mail shipping) club volunteers will build and deliver a 6-40 matchbox with a 30 foot antenna wire anywhere in the U.S., we do not ship internationally. Note that coax cable is not included. Aloha EARC.
We only ship to the USA only, sorry no International Shipping. Thank you.
2020-07-29 06:42 DL8UI 17m 18.102 FT8 JO41 Germany

2 2020-07-29 06:40 JR1AQI 17m 18.102 FT8 PM95 Japan

3 2020-07-29 06:38 F4FCE 17m 18.102 FT8 JN17 France

4 2020-07-29 06:36 JH0EHQ 17m 18.102 FT8 PM96 Japan

5 2020-07-29 06:35 F4HIK 17m 18.102 FT8 JN06 France

6 2020-07-29 06:34 JH3IOY 17m 18.102 FT8 PM74qr Japan

7 2020-07-29 06:32 VA7ILO 17m 18.102 FT8 CN89 Canada

8 2020-07-29 06:29 F6EQZ 17m 18.102 FT8 JN19xf France

9 2020-07-29 06:22 OE3XMC 20m 14.075 FT8 JN88dc Austria

10 2020-07-29 06:21 PC1Y 20m 14.075 FT8 JO21gx Netherlands

11 2020-07-29 06:19 OE3KLU 20m 14.075 FT8 JN88fd Austria

12 2020-07-29 06:13 JA4JKO 20m 14.075 FT8

13 2020-07-29 06:13 VE7UM 20m 14.075 FT8 CN89 Canada

14 2020-07-29 06:10 EA3GCT 20m 14.075 FT8 JN01 Spain

15 2020-07-29 06:09 MI0NWA 20m 14.075 FT8 IO64 Northern Ireland

16 2020-07-29 06:05 ON7WM 20m 14.076 FT8 JO21 Belgium

17 2020-07-29 06:03 I3BUI 20m 14.076 FT8 JN55 Italy

18 2020-07-29 06:01 PB75A 20m 14.076 FT8 JO22ga Netherlands

19 2020-07-29 05:31 AI6ZC 40m 7.186 SSB CM98JP United States

20 2020-07-28 06:24 7L4LKK 20m 14.160 SSB QM06gi Japan

Winlink Stations reached using EARCHI.org END FED 6–4

 Winlink Vara Connection to KH6NS USB Dial: 3585.000 at 2020/07/29 07:06:36 *** Station Bearing: 298, Range: 116 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to WH6FG USB Dial: 7105.500 at 2020/07/29 07:09:56*** Station Bearing: 289, Range: 118 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to K6SDR USB Dial: 7102.200 at 2020/07/29 07:17:39*** Station Bearing: 053, Range: 2384 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to KJ6IX USB Dial: 7100.000 at 2020/07/29 07:23:47 *** Station Bearing: 053, Range: 2548 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to N7TRY-2 USB Dial: 7101.000 at 2020/07/29 07:30:16 *** Station Bearing: 042, Range: 2570 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to K6MBY USB Dial: 7101.500 at 2020/07/29 07:43:13*** Station Bearing: 038, Range: 2657 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to K7HTZ USB Dial: 7101.200 at 2020/07/29 07:47:44*** Station Bearing: 039, Range: 2635 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to KO0OOO USB Dial: 7096.500 at 2020/07/29 08:00:05*** Station Bearing: 059, Range: 2745 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to N0DAJ USB Dial: 7106.500 at 2020/07/29 08:03:25*** Station Bearing: 062, Range: 2860 miles

Hurricane Douglas July 23 2020 Shelter HAM Radio operational notes KH6ML - Covid-19

Hurricane Douglas July 23 2020 Shelter HAM Radio operational notes KH6ML

We were already aware Hurricane Douglas from early news reports and started to review a few things sound the house and my radio grear

Clem Jung - KH7HO who volunteers as the a Pacific Section Emergency Coordinator with the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES). Reached out asking if I would be available to deploy as a volunteer radio shelter operator if shelter need to be opened.  I said yes. 

Hurricane Douglas was a strong tropical cyclone that became the closest passing Pacific hurricane to the island of Oahu on record, surpassing the previous record held by Hurricane Dot in 1959. After leveling off as a strong tropical storm due to dry air, Douglas began rapid intensification on July 23, becoming the season's first major hurricane the following day and peaking as a Category 4 hurricane. 

Map plotting the track and the intensity of the storm, according to the Saffir–Simpson scale.

A big mahalo to all of those who spent time, money and effort to design, build and maintain repeaters, software, and servers, and also trained users.  It was good to know that so many of you were on monitoring and while many of you also had other responsibilities to your families and jobs. 

I volunteered with Kevin, WH6OHM, to serve at the Red Cross Shelter at Kalaheo High School (“Kalaheo HS”) on Oahu.  We reported two hours before the shelter opened, at 7 am, and stayed for 15 hours until we’re told to demobilize. 

We introduced ourselves to the Red Cross shelter manager and gave him a letter of introduction prepared by Clem, KH7HO.  He asked us to get screened by the National Guard in attendance. They took our temperature and asked us a series of questions related to COVID-19. 

We then asked for help from Mr. B who was in charge of facilities for Kalaheo HS. The first location was a storeroom in the cafeteria. Kevin, WH6OHM, pointed out that it only had one outlet and would be loud, if and when the shelter filled up.  We were also concerned with coax cable and antennas being possible trip and fall hazards.

Mr. B then pointed to another building, but its distance was a concern. We discussed the options, walked the grounds, and then he opened up a computer lab. Bingo! What a great spot! 

This location was at the same level as the shelter and just 25 yards away with concrete walls, close to large trees to hang the antennas. There were also power outlets to run all items on until we needed to go to battery power or the generator. Whiteboards were available for notes and to tape up notes. Desks, tables, carts, and rolling office chairs were aplenty, much better than student plastic chairs or metal folding. The computer lab space also helped with COVID-19 concerns, to ensure safe distance needed for both operators.

There was a large flat-panel TV with limited cable stations, but we could watch the news and  could have utilized an HDMI CABLE to connect our laptops for streaming and Winlink message reading by the shelter manager or other officials as needed, without compromising our 6-foot distance protocols.  Also, in the room were printers and other components such as a good size UPS that we charged, but subsequently found that it created a large amount of RFI when plugged in. The Cat 5 and other wires and cables may also have proven handy if needed. And the room had AC that was large enough for each of us to set up a rest/sleep area with lots of space. 

Mr. B helped us find the perfect room for set up and knew who to call to grant us Wifi access and checked back with us often and was back 15 hours later to lockup. And his principal stopped in and who also made things easy and reviewed limiting access to only those tested for COVID with no symptoms. We were very aware that we were trusted guests and treated the room accordingly. 

The WH6OHM station was set up as VHF/UHF with a 50W dual band mobile coupled with a DRA-30 sound card to a Windows 10 laptop as a Winlink station and for voice transmissions. We pushed an empty metal file cabinet near the station, and with a mobile magnetic mount on it, near the window. We then tested it to ensure he could reach repeaters and send test Winlink messages to Vara FM gateways NH6NN and WH6FXL. 

We both had Anytone 868 handheld radios with us and we monitored DMR Hawaii-1 off of the Waimanalo repeater and different analog repeaters. 

On my side of the room, we had a backup VHF radio with a mag mount antenna set up outside on a large metal locker. I set up an HF Winlink station with Icom Ic-7300 and an LDG auto tuner. An Anderson power pole distribution box hooked into a power supply and could fast change over to batteries. The Windows 10 laptop with Winlink was set up with a paid version of Vara HF for faster speeds using a single USB cable. 

Once that was set, we ran coax cable out of a louvered window and knew we needed to keep it well above anyone’s reach. The first spot we looked at would have needed more coax cable. (Note to self get more coax cable for the kit.)  I gave Kevin a clean sock and paracord, he added a rock for weight and it only took 3 throws to get it high enough in the tree and into a good position. I attached the G5RV JR and he pulled it up and tied it off. 

If the winds increased we would have dropped it until it was safe to put back up. The G5RV JR Wire Antenna hung about 25 feet in the air in a monkeypod tree, as an inverted V and legs tied to the palm trees with a  bungee cord which allowed the legs to remain taut, but still have play for the wind and gave us HF multi-band coverage. Forty meters 7.088 LSB was the frequency that was issued in advance that would be monitored by amateur radio operators statewide.  Sixty and 80 would have been a challenge, but with time we could have gotten up on those bands. 

A great way to test propagation and equipment without tying up designated frequencies for the emergency is using FT-8 and pskreporter.com. It allowed us to see that we could reach out to the US mainland and other countries if needed. 

I tested HF voice with a call and was picked up by Carter KH6FV.  His voice was recognizable, but his call sign had been changed to the station that he was running. Then we sent a test message via the Kauai Winlink gateway. 

When the Emergency Management sirens sounded statewide, DMR Hawaii Net was on talk group Hawaii-1. They had operators report in their area and note if they’d heard the siren. As WH6OHM and I were in the same room, there was no need for both of us to give a report.

Kevin, WH6OHM, used a Winlink template, filled in a American Red Cross ARC-213 and sent it to the assigned address, as well as me. (This allowed both of us to see what was sent as well as validate that it got out.) 

Check-ins at designated times with the shelter manager allowed us to fill out an ARC shelter report that had some modifications as the shelters were only set up for hurricane evacuation, not for displacement of people from their homes, so no food and very limited services were being offered to the evacuees. The main information that was needed was age groups and counts of both evacuees as well as volunteers and what agencies they were from.

We limited the use of radio to Winlink and sometimes used Telnet to keep frequencies clear in case other stations needed to transmit. Using Winlink in an emergency situation is a powerful tool, but much like handing someone an advanced weapon to shoot down a plane. Without the proper training you may be able to get something fired off, but will it hit its designated target? 

So practicing well in advance and at the start of deployment is critical to having success when passing messages via amateur radio. This goes for both digital modes such as Winlink, as well as voice messages.

Volunteering from 7 am to 10 pm - 15 hours did make it a long day. However, it was rewarding getting to know my fellow operator, as well as providing community service and testing our own equipment when deployed. We were tasked with passing messages via amateur radio, voice, and data modes, and sending emails via Winlink. 

More about Douglas,  After moving into the Central Pacific basin, Douglas slowly weakened as it approached Hawaii. The storm later passed north of the main islands as a Category 1 hurricane, passing dangerously close to Oahu and Kauai, causing minimal damage, and resulting in no deaths or injuries. Douglas weakened to tropical storm status on July 28 as it moved away from Hawaii, before dissipating a day later. 

MAHALO to God for keeping us safe. 

Mahalo to my fellow amateur radio operators that deployed to shelters and other critical organizations.

Mahalo to those who brought all their own equipment to serve the community, and to those operators that supported us from home. 

Mahalo to all the volunteers, the Red Cross, the Medical Reserve Corps, National Guard, and government employees that were kind to the evacuees and volunteers who were extremely professional and served their community. 

Mahalo to my wife who helped me load up, made sandwiches, packed my lunch, and more; and kept working on getting ready just in case. The plan was she and our dog, Kula, would come to the shelter if the situation worsened, home was a 7 minute drive away.

We also build masts, ready to deploy with additional antennas. We brought backup batteries and radios, a generator with 36 hours of fuel (plus fuel in vehicles that could have been siphoned if the need was critical enough) in addition to power cables, wire and computers, connectors, a soldering gun and other tools.

We are now back to “normal." Luckily Douglas was nice to us and just passed Oahu by. Maybe he heard about the mandatory 14-day quarantine? 

WH6FXL results IARU HF World Championship

IARU HF World Championship

Objective: To support amateur self-training in radiocommunications including improving amateur operating skills, conducting technical investigations, and intercommunicating with other amateurs around the world, especially IARU member society headquarters stations, using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10-meter bands. 24 HOUR CONTEST.  To see more information and results go to http://www.arrl.org/iaru-hf-world-championship

The International Amateur Radio Union iaru.org is an international confederation of national amateur radio organisations that allows a forum for common matters of concern and collectively represents matters to the International Telecommunication Union. The International Amateur Radio Union was founded in 1925 and, as of November 2019, it is composed of 172 national member societies

Radio amateurs should always look for opportunities to address communication challenges through the application of technology. Growing numbers of stations including Multi Operator stations are capable of being operated remotely. The IARU encourages their participation in the HF World Championship wherever national regulations permit.
Here is a look at my logbook from QRZ.com

1 2020-07-12 08:55 DA0HQ 40M 7.158 SSB JO50lq Germany Contest Station

2 2020-07-12 08:52 JA3AOP 40M 7.158 SSB PM74kj Japan AKIRA SUGIYAMA

3 2020-07-12 08:43 NH6GY 40M 7.158 SSB BL11ch Hawaii ANTHONY M CAMPBELL

4 2020-07-12 08:40 KC1XX 40M 7.158 SSB FN42dr United States MATTHIAS STRELOW

5 2020-07-12 08:40 NX6T 40M 7.182 SSB DM13ih United States SAN DIEGO CONTEST CLUB

6 2020-07-12 08:28 KH2JU 40M 7.181 SSB QK23km Guam Danilo I Pobre

7 2020-07-12 07:23 KT7E 20M 14.322 SSB CN85mm United States JOSEPH B BATTY

8 2020-07-12 07:18 UW5Y 20M 14.322 SSB KN28wh Ukraine Contest Call

9 2020-07-12 07:13 MM0HCD 20M 14.322 SSB IO86ea Scotland Fraser Williamson

10 2020-07-12 06:28 S53MM 20M 14.315 SSB JN76gd Slovenia Matija Brodnik

11 2020-07-12 06:27 OZ1HQ 20M 14.305 SSB JJ00aa Denmark EDR Headquarters

12 2020-07-12 06:26 EA3CI 20M 14.295 SSB JN11nu Spain LLUIS .

13 2020-07-12 06:24 KK6P 20M 14.276 SSB CM95pn United States Rolling Ranch Contest Club

14 2020-07-12 06:21 SN0HQ 20M 14.254 SSB KO02mf Poland Special call for IARU HF World Championship

15 2020-07-12 06:19 TM0HQ 20M 14.247 SSB JJ00aa France HQ HQ Station

16 2020-07-12 06:17 F5LIW 20M 14.221 SSB JN27oe France Alain 'Alan' MINARD

17 2020-07-12 06:15 S50HQ 20M 14.218 SSB JN76bg Slovenia ZRS ZVEZA RADIOAMATERJEV SLOVENIJE

18 2020-07-12 06:13 9A0HQ 20M 14.203 SSB JJ00aa Croatia Hrvatski radioamaterski savez HRS

19 2020-07-12 06:10 ER7HQ 20M 14.200 SSB JJ00aa Moldova ARM HEADQUARTERS STATION ER7HQ

20 2020-07-12 06:00 OH2HQ 20M 14.263 SSB JJ00aa Finland HQ Station

21 2020-07-12 05:42 DA0HG 20M 14.285 SSB

22 2020-07-12 05:37 K6ACV 20M 14.178 SSB CM95kx United States David M Miller

23 2020-07-12 05:36 W6GAE 20M 14.178 SSB CM98DE United States Michael Gaertner

24 2020-07-12 05:34 W7VO 20M 14.178 SSB CN85nt United States MICHAEL T RITZ

25 2020-07-12 05:34 F1RAF 20M 14.178 SSB JN18kd France NICOLAS FORTINEAU

26 2020-07-12 05:30 HG8A 20M 14.296 SSB

27 2020-07-12 05:24 OL0HQ 20M 14.331 SSB JJ00aa Czech Republic Czech Radio Club HQ Station

28 2020-07-12 02:41 KE8FT 20M 14.218 SSB EN82ij United States Giuseppe Molinaro

29 2020-07-12 02:35 VE5MX 20M 14.218 SSB DN89aq Canada Einar Todd Bendtsen

‘Ohi'a 'ai Hawaii Mountain Apples

And more information from the Bishop Museum database 
Hawaiian Name(s): ‘ōhi‘a ‘ai, ‘ōhi‘a, ‘ōhi‘a ‘ai ke‘oke‘o, ‘ōhi‘a hākea, ‘ōhi‘a kea, ‘ōhi‘a leo, ‘ōhi‘a ‘ula

Scientific Name: Syzygium malaccense

Vernacular Name: mountain apple, Malay apple

Family: Myrtaceae

Status: Polynesian introduction

Authority: (L.) Merr. & Perry

Description: Tree, to 20 m tall.

Habitat Occuring most commonly in mesic valleys at low elevations at mesic to wet sites mesic to wet sites between 200–310 (–550) m (Wagner et al.1990:975–976).

Medicines: The bark is pounded with salt and strained through a niu leaf sheath (coconut, Cocos nucifera) for a topical medicine for open and deep cuts. For ‘ea (thrush) and pa‘ao‘ao the bark, leaves, and leaf buds are combined with kukui flowers (Aleurites moluccana), flowers, leaf buds, and leaves of the hinahina ku kahakai (Heliotropium anomalumvar. argenteum), ‘aka‘akai ‘oliana bulbs (Allium cepa), leaves, leaf buds and flowers of the ‘uhaloa (Waltheria indica), and kō honua‘ula (red sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum),. The mixture is strained through the ‘ahu‘awa (Cyperus javanicus) and drunk. Foods suitable to consume while using this medicine are fish, lu‘au, kukui, ‘uala (sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas), and fresh poi. For hauna o ka waha (bad breath) and waha pala (coated mouth), the bark is combined with moa holokula (cf. Psilotum nudum) and kō kea (white sugarcane) (Chun 1994:225–226). The bark chewed for a sore throat. Leaves were crushed and ingested for bronchitis (Abbott 1992:101). It is a secondary ingredient in numerous other medications (see other plants)

Non Medicinal Uses: Fruit eaten (Lucas 1982:58; Malo 1951:21). Used at hula altars (kuahu) (Emerson 1909:19). Dyes made from inner bark of trunk and root (brown) as well as the fruit skin (red) (Krauss 1993:66). Wood for posts, house rafters, and enclosures for heiau (Wagner et al. 1990:976), as well as being used for carved idols (Rock 1913:321). In the Ethnology Collection at Bishop Museum there is a post-contact example of the wood made into a bowl.

Specific gravity of wood: unknown

Famous Locations


`Ōlelo Noeau: [I] Ka ua ho‘opala ‘ōhi‘a. The rain that ripens the mountain apples. The rain that comes just as the mountain apple is beginning to ripen. [II] Nawele ka maka o Hinaulu‘ohi‘a. Pale is the face of Hinaulu‘ohi‘a. Said of the pink rim around the blossom end of the white mountain apple. Refers to the goddess Hina. [III] ‘Ōhi‘a noho malu. Mountain apple in the shade. Said of a beautiful or handsome person, who is compared to a mountain apple that ripens to perfection in the shade. [IV] O Hinaia‘ele‘ele ka malama, ‘aluka ka pala a ka ‘ōhi‘a. Hinaia‘ele‘ele is the month when the mountain apples ripen everywhere.

Dye Color and Parts: Brown (inner bark of trunk, root), red (fruit skin)
Bishop Museum database

Michael Miller / Director of Operations / Partner
Tiki's Grill & Bar -  2570 Kalakaua Ave.
(808)923-8454 michaelm@tikisgrill.com

Cordelia Gilman Waikiki 1908.

Our great grandmother's sister Cordelia Gilman relaxing on the lanai of her father Jacob Brown's home in Waikiki around 1908. This covered lanai was built on the beach which now fronts the Halekulani Hotel in Waikiki. - published in a modern book called letters to Halekulani. I had seen the photo and now I have a digital copy from Lauren Nottage Hogan. 

Fwd: VARA HF - Winlink contacts with map.

K6IXA @ 2020/06/19 03:54:13  USB Dial: 14101.200 at 2020/06/19 03:54:13
*** Station Bearing: 055,  Range: 2470 miles

KB6YNO @ 2020/06/19 03:58:10  USB Dial: 14107.400 at 2020/06/19 03:58:10
*** Station Bearing: 053,  Range: 2385 miles

 K6SDR @ 2020/06/19 04:13:43  USB Dial: 10144.700 at 2020/06/19 04:13:43
*** Station Bearing: 053,  Range: 2384 miles

 KD7ZDO @ 2020/06/19 04:21:21  USB Dial: 14101.200 at 2020/06/19 04:21:21
*** Station Bearing: 042,  Range: 2580 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to KG7AV @ 2020/06/19 04:32:04  USB Dial: 14102.000 at 2020/06/19 04:32:04
*** Station Bearing: 044,  Range: 2600 miles

 Winlink Vara Connection to K7RHT @ 2020/06/19 04:37:54  USB Dial: 14106.500 at 2020/06/19 04:37:54
*** Station Bearing: 040,  Range: 2727 miles

 Winlink Vara Connection to XE2BNC @ 2020/06/19 04:51:08  USB Dial: 10142.500 at 2020/06/19 04:51:08
*** Station Bearing: 064,  Range: 2609 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to KO0OOO @ 2020/06/19 07:16:48  USB Dial: 10144.500 at 2020/06/19 07:16:48
*** Station Bearing: 059,  Range: 2745 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to AJ7C @ 2020/06/19 07:21:42  USB Dial: 7100.500 at 2020/06/19 07:21:42
*** Station Bearing: 061,  Range: 2543 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to K7HTZ @ 2020/06/19 07:29:30  USB Dial: 7101.500 at 2020/06/19 07:29:30
*** Station Bearing: 039,  Range: 2635 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to VY1WLK @ 2020/06/19 07:33:34  USB Dial: 14091.000 at 2020/06/19 07:33:34*** Station Bearing: 016,  Range: 2943 mile

Winlink Vara Connection to N0DAJ @ 2020/06/19 07:35:40  USB Dial: 7101.500 at 2020/06/19 07:35:40
*** Station Bearing: 062,  Range: 2860 miles

*** Winlink Vara Connection to K7HTZ @ 2020/06/19 07:38:37  USB Dial: 14107.000 at 2020/06/19 07:38:37
*** Station Bearing: 039,  Range: 2635 miles

Winlink Vara Connection to WA5TED @ 2020/06/19 07:49:27  USB Dial: 10144.700 at 2020/06/19 07:49:27
*** Station Bearing: 063,  Range: 3479 miles

Fwd: Sending a email with NO Internet connection in Hawaii - Winlink

No Local internet? Here is a way to send emails with no internet connection. 
I just connected to a winlink gateway 2572 miles away.

Winlink Vara Connection to W7EES-2
USB Dial: 14109*** Station Bearing: 041,  Range: 2572 miles

W7EES-2 <-> WH6FXL
20 Meters -  USB Dial: 14109
 2572 Miles

To be honest there are a lot of STEPS to get it to work. But it's cool once you do!

Winlink is a worldwide radio messaging system that uses amateur-band radio frequencies and government frequencies to provide radio interconnection services that include email with attachments, position reporting, weather bulletins, emergency and relief communications, and message relay.

Amateur radio users in each country follow the appropriate regulatory guidelines for their license. Some countries may limit or regulate types of amateur messaging (such as e-mail) by content, origination location, end destination, or license class of the operator. Origination of third party messages (messages sent on behalf of, or sent to, an end destination who is not an amateur operator) may also be regulated in some countries; those that limit such third party messages normally have exceptions for emergency communications. In accordance with long standing amateur radio tradition, international guidelines and FCC rules section 97.113, hams using the Winlink system are advised that it is not appropriate to use it for business communications.