PASSED! - Radio Amateur Extra Class exam!

I'm happy & excited to have passed the Radio Amateur Extra Class exam. It is the third and final in a series of exams and the highest radio operator class license in the United States.

About 712 questions are in the Extra exam pool, and the minimum passing score is 74%—many of the questions about precise circuits, regulations, and scientific effects. The exam is 50 questions.

The extra class endorsement opens up some extra band privileges, here is a list of All Amateur band privileges.  The license authorizes privileges in all 29 amateur service bands.

It also allows me to keep my current randomly assigned class sign of WH6FXL or apply for one of the call sign formats reserved for Extra licensees.

I passed my Amateur Extra exam with three VEs (Volunteer Examiners) using the video platform Zoom. I had to set up two laptops at different camera angles to show my printer and table and self. The examiners may ask you to adjust your cameras to ensure you don't use any aids. A BIG mahalo to each of them.

In the United States, amateur radio licensing is governed by the Federal Communications Commission under strict federal regulations. Licenses to operate amateur stations for personal use are granted to individuals of any age once they demonstrate an understanding of both pertinent FCC regulations and knowledge of radio station operation and safety considerations.

Here is the more info from the FCC Site:

Most new amateur radio operators start at the Technician Class and then may advance to the General Class or Amateur Extra Class. The VEs give examination credit for the license class currently held so that examinations required for that license class need not be repeated. The VEs prepare the written examinations from question pools that have been made public. Helpful study guides and training courses are widely available.


The privileges of a Technician Class operator license include operating an amateur station that may transmit on channels in any of 17 frequency bands above 50 MHz with up to 1,500 watts of power. To pass the Technician Class examination, at least 26 questions from a 35 question written examination must be answered correctly. Technician Class licensees also have privileges in four amateur service bands in the HF range (3-30 MHz) (Refer to Section 97.301(e)).


The General Class operator license authorizes privileges in all 29 amateur service bands. Upon accreditation by a Volunteer-Examiner Coordinator (VEC), an individual can help administer certain examinations. In addition to the above written examination, the requirement for a General Class operator license includes a 35 question written examination for which 26 correctly answered questions is the minimum passing score.

Amateur Extra

The privileges of an Amateur Extra Class operator license include additional spectrum in the HF bands. In addition to the two above written examinations, the requirement for an Amateur Extra Class operator license includes answering correctly at least 37 questions on a 50 question written examination.

Upgrade Triband Antenna

Add more height with little cost. 

Ed Fong’s TBJ-1  (ham) triband base antenna (144-148 MHz, 222-225MHz, 440-450 MHz) Maximum power 75 watt
.  Using things I already had. Mahalo to WH6GL for the fair deal on the antenna.  Painted all parts so it looks nice. 

Old wooden umbrella pole that has a steel pipe in the center. Sanded down to slip inside galvanized pipe. 

My 20 meter 23 contacts

Date Time Call Band Freq Mode Grid Country Operator Name Comments
1 2020-05-12 08:20 LA3VJA 20m 14.268 SSB JP64cl Norway Per Hovik
2 2020-05-12 08:17 LB7NH 20m 14.268 SSB JO49TT Norway Tom Roger Lurdalen
3 2020-05-12 08:12 OH1BNL 20m 14.268 SSB KP11DV Finland Jaakko Heinonen 1.5k 
4 2020-05-12 08:11 GW6LHF 20m 14.268 SSB IO72qc Wales Danny Owen
5 2020-05-12 08:08 DH8BAC 20m 14.268 SSB JO33tf Germany Christian Chris Tuitjer
6 2020-05-12 08:02 RU3EG 20m 14.268 SSB KO82aw Russia Sergey V. Churikov 1k 
7 2020-05-12 08:01 M0IQD 20m 14.268 SSB JO01jh England Tony Mcloud
8 2020-05-12 07:57 SA0ARJ 20m 14.268 SSB JO99am Sweden Stig Adolfsson
9 2020-05-12 07:54 SQ5AM 20m 14.268 SSB KO02lg Poland Adrian Matusik
10 2020-05-12 07:49 OE7AJH 20m 14.268 SSB JN66jt Austria Andy HOLZER
11 2020-05-12 07:44 HB9RDE 20m 14.268 SSB JN37li Switzerland Rolf Oppler
12 2020-05-12 07:43 SM4CTT 20m 14.268 SSB JO69rh Sweden GOESTA LARSSON
13 2020-05-12 07:38 G0UWK 20m 14.268 SSB IO83vc England Ian Goodier 4 deq c. 
14 2020-05-12 07:36 RA9V 20m 14.268 SSB NO34bj Russia Alex Urban
15 2020-05-12 07:33 ON4GI 20m 14.268 SSB JO20fx Belgium Gilbert Ickmans
16 2020-05-12 07:31 SP5INQ 20m 14.268 SSB KO01tr Poland ZENON KUCIAK
17 2020-05-12 07:26 SN25EBM 20m 14.268 SSB KO02pd Poland Maciej  25 years! 
18 2020-05-12 07:24 I7WL 20m 14.268 SSB Italy GIUSEPPE DONATO
19 2020-05-12 07:19 SM7EHU 20m 14.268 SSB JO77jh Sweden PER-ANDERS "Pelle" ANDERSSON
20 2020-05-12 07:15 JG1UMO 20m 14.268 SSB QM05cp Japan TATEKI TED KURISAKI
21 2020-05-12 07:06 IZ3ZTZ 20m 14.268 SSB JN65ek Italy Mariano Don 1985 came Maui 
22 2020-05-12 06:51 OZ6CM 20m 14.268 SSB JO55UP Denmark Mr. Carsten Malm toast 
23 2020-05-12 03:56 KJ7LPO 40m 7.188 SSB DN28IJ United State

2am- Sending emails with Ham Radio vara hf

Using my High frequency Radio Icom ic-7300 & old Laptop to send & receive emails. Antenna is a G5RV JR. Set in a inverted L.  

Good practice in case the internet goes down in a disaster in Hawaii.  Vara HF was the mode I was using. 

13 stations connected. 40 meters works good at this time of night. 

 (Winlink -Telnet, Packet, Pactor, Pactor Robust, Winmor)Ham Radio Crash CourseWinlink Digital Communications GroupHawaii Ham Radio Group

Two islands and two wild pork dishes.

Two islands and two dishes. Alexander Miller is my younger brother. We both caught wild pigs. 

My dish was smoked meat with blueberry jam, sweet onions, garlic, green onions and garlic chives with a rice ball. Plate up and photo by Lisa Menor Miller and smoking done my a buddy Scully! 

Alex’s dish was classic cooked with modern technology! Pork with the fat left on sprinkled with Pa'akai (Hawaiian word for salt), wrapped kalo lau then in ti leaf and tied with twine, steamed in a instapot using steam function twice for about 2 hours.

Wild Boar dinner at home.

Shoulder of Wild pig slow cooked for 8 hours with a Tequila and lime rub, followed by a little bit of beef bouillon, onions, carrots, potatoes, and a bouquet garni of basil, parsley and rosemary. We mashed potatoes with cream, butter, and salt & pepper. Lisa reduced the stock, adding red wine and thickened to make a wonderful gravy!  There was no wild flavor. 

Michael Miller / Director of Operations / Partner
Tiki's Grill & Bar -  2570 Kalakaua Ave.

Eating Weeds- Purslane

Today in the back yard I spotted a weed growing. 

I was taught by my grandparents that Purslane is plant you could eat. 

Chef Ronnie has used it in dishes for wine dinners at Tiki’s Grill & Bar. 
Have you tried it? 

Here is a great read from:

For comprehensive information (e.g. nutrition, medicinal values, recipes, history, harvesting tips, etc.) Purslane PDF magazine.

 IMPORTANT: a similar plant named "hairy-stemmed spurge" is poisonous. Click here for more information.

Purslane is a succulent annual trailing plant that grows in many countries because it thrives in poor soil. It can be eaten as a cooked vegetable and is great to use in salads, soups, stews or any dish you wish to sprinkle it over. Purslane is antibacterial, antiscorbutic, depurative, diuretic and febrifuge. The leaves are a very rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which prevents heart attacks and strengthens the immune system.

Distinguishing Features

This nutritious weed has a distinctive thick, reddish stem and succulent, green leaves.

Purslane Identification
- click for video -


Purslane has yellow flowers that occur singly or in small terminal clusters. When fully open, each flower is about .5 cm(¼") across, consisting of five petals, two green sepals, numerous yellow stamens, and several pistils that appear together in the centre of the flower. These flowers open up for a few hours during bright sunny mornings. Purslane flowers bloom from mid-summer through the early fall and lasts about 1 to 2 months. Each flower is replaced by a seed capsule that splits open around the middle to release the numerous small, black seeds.

Vetiver Grass - trimming back yard.

Chrysopogon zizanioides, commonly known as vetiver, is a perennial bunchgrass of the family Poaceae, native to India. Vetiver is most closely related to Sorghum but shares many morphological characteristics with other fragrant grasses, such as lemongrass, citronella, and palmarosa. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Chrysopogon zizanioides
Family: Poaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Higher classification: Chrysopogon
Order: Poales
Rank: Species