About 712 questions are in the Extra exam pool, and the minimum passing score is 74%—many of the questions about precise circuits, regulations, and scientific effects. The exam is 50 questions.
The extra class endorsement opens up some extra band privileges, here is a list of All Amateur band privileges. The license authorizes privileges in all 29 amateur service bands.
I passed my Amateur Extra exam with three VEs (Volunteer Examiners) using the video platform Zoom. I had to set up two laptops at different camera angles to show my printer and table and self. The examiners may ask you to adjust your cameras to ensure you don't use any aids. A BIG mahalo to each of them.
In the United States, amateur radio licensing is governed by the Federal Communications Commission under strict federal regulations. Licenses to operate amateur stations for personal use are granted to individuals of any age once they demonstrate an understanding of both pertinent FCC regulations and knowledge of radio station operation and safety considerations.
Here is the more info from the FCC Site:
Most new amateur radio operators start at the Technician Class and then may advance to the General Class or Amateur Extra Class. The VEs give examination credit for the license class currently held so that examinations required for that license class need not be repeated. The VEs prepare the written examinations from question pools that have been made public. Helpful study guides and training courses are widely available.
The privileges of a Technician Class operator license include operating an amateur station that may transmit on channels in any of 17 frequency bands above 50 MHz with up to 1,500 watts of power. To pass the Technician Class examination, at least 26 questions from a 35 question written examination must be answered correctly. Technician Class licensees also have privileges in four amateur service bands in the HF range (3-30 MHz) (Refer to Section 97.301(e)).
The General Class operator license authorizes privileges in all 29 amateur service bands. Upon accreditation by a Volunteer-Examiner Coordinator (VEC), an individual can help administer certain examinations. In addition to the above written examination, the requirement for a General Class operator license includes a 35 question written examination for which 26 correctly answered questions is the minimum passing score.
Amateur Extra
The privileges of an Amateur Extra Class operator license include additional spectrum in the HF bands. In addition to the two above written examinations, the requirement for an Amateur Extra Class operator license includes answering correctly at least 37 questions on a 50 question written examination.