Tonight we at Tiki's Grill & Bar we are playing host to a group of 14
guest that have traveled across the country. Their goal was to visit
all 50 states. At each state they visited they would buy a flag and
add it to the table top display.
Tonight is there victory dinner for accomplishing their goal. We are
very excited they chose to dine with Tiki's.
This Sunday we enjoyed a performance by Halau 'O Na Pua Kukui at the
Hula Ho`olauna Aloha festival. This is the halau that Lisa my wife
belongs too. Her Kumu is "Uncle Ed" Collier. This was exhibition for the Halau.
Japan and Hawaii come together in celebration of hula for the 8th
Annual Hula Ho`olauna Aloha. Hula Ho`olauna Aloha festivals
commemorating hulas rich culture and vibrant customs features a dance
exhibition by Japanese and local halau as well as a dance competition
among the many visiting Japanese halau at The Royal Hawaiian Hotel,
Coconut Grove.
The men start with a chant and then the women join in with Ho`opuka E
Ka La (Rise, O Sun) - Hula Ka`i (entrance)
Ho`opuka e ka la ma ka hikina
Me ka huaka`i hele no Kumukahi
Ha`a mai na `iwa me Hi`iaka
Me Kapo-Laka i ka uluwehiwehi
Ne`e mai na `iwa ma ku`u alo
Me ke alo kapu o ka aiwaiwa
Ea la, ea la, ea la, ea
He inoa no Hi`iaka I Ka Poli `O Pele
Rise, O sun in the east
With a procession going to Kumukahi
Dancing are the beautiful ones with Hi`iaka
And Kapo-Laka in the verdant grove
Moving ahead are the dancers toward me
And to the sacred presence of the divine
In the name of Hi`iaka-in-the-bosom-of Pele
Source: This is a formal entrance/exit dance used for kahiko. It
honors Hi`iaka the youngest and favorite sister of Pele, and the major
patron of hula. Hi`iaka learned the hula from her friend Hopoe on the
big island of Hawai`i. Kapo-Laka are the god/goddess of hula. Kumukahi
(first beginning) is the easternmost cape in Hawai'i. The `iwa bird
(frigate bird) is symbolic of a lover, dancer or handsome person.
Hula Ho`olauna Aloha festivals commemorating hulas rich culture and
vibrant customs features a dance exhibition by Japanese and local
halau as well as a dance competition among the many visiting Japanese
halau at The Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Coconut Grove.
For more information visit (in Japanese only)
Michael Miller
808-923-TIKI (8454)
NEW HAPPY HOUR 2-5pm $1 Shot Special at Tiki's Grill & Bar • 1 ½ part BACARDI DRAGON BERRY Flavored RumThe pitaya or dragon fruit is a fairly easy to grow tropical to subtropical fruit in the cactus family, native to South and Central America. It needs to climb on a trellis, rocks or a large tree. Its three sided stem has rows of clusters of stubby spines on the stem ridges. The flowers are very large, white, aromatic and last only one day (Fig. 1). Although it is not of large commercial importance, it is fairly common throughout the world's tropics. It is well adapted to wet climates as long as its soil has good drainage.
There are at least 20 named varieties. One of the most common is the Costa Rican Pitaya. The fruit is dark purple both outside and inside. It is mildly sweet with an indistinct flavor. This is in the genus Hylocereus, as are most the commercial varieties. (Fig. 2) The flesh color varies greatly from dark purple to white to completely transparent.
These plants are not hard to start from seed but take an extra year or two to bearing that way. Some varieties must have genetically different plants present (started from seed) in order to set fruit.
Roy 19:56, 26 April 2006 (PDT)
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Ice, Captain Morgan, 1/2 a orange squeezed and tossed in! Stir with knife.
Cindy mahalo for the rum!